June 14, 2021

House Cleaning Tricks & Hacks Men Should Know

As a guy and a gentleman, you have to master a good number of cleaning hacks to keep your abode fresh and ordered.


You go out to catch up with friends for a drink, and you end up in front of your house with the hottest chick you gentlemanly seduced at the club sitting in the cab, and you kind of want to go up in your place and make love, but just thinking about what she will witness makes you feel both embarrassed and insecure. You don’t need to be James Kingston to know that. Perhaps it's parents who have to children to wise and responsible grown-ups and all about setting a good example.

I’m sure this doesn't sit well with everyone, right?

That’s why I put together a guide with a handful of hacks that should get your man cave in shape. 

An untidy home creates the impression that you are disorganised and lethargic. But guess what? It undermines the image you have established until someone comes to see you. That's not good. That actually sucks!

Enough rambling. Have you thought that… men should take care and clean the cave?


Cleaning every room in the house is e-ssen-tial for the modern gentleman. Seasons change. You should clean your house frequently.

I’m not talking about your regular cleaning duties here. We're talking about cleaning every inch of your manly home. From cleaning carpets to clean every crack, shelf, and corner, I got you covered. Consider the debris and grime accumulated in the course of a year?


It's all about building momentum with keeping your man cave fresh! 

Consider this! If you skip that one hour a week to vacuum your house and procrastinate the following week, it will take you about 2.5 hours, comments professional cleaner, Dmitri Kara.

How much time you spend at home determines how frequently chores will bear. If you spend more time, such as working from home, we recommend doing it twice a week.

You can get away with one time every week if you spend more time outside of your house and keep it somewhat acceptable.

Attempt to maintain things neat and clean. 


You made your house dirty and messy since you were lazy and didn't wash the dishes for a day, or a few. This is a nasty habit you should get rid of as soon as possible.

It is easy to put in the time daily and again to develop momentum. Things grow easier to manage by the day once you get started.

That is the most important thing to remember you take care of the man cave. Consider it like running a business. To run smoothly, everything should be neat. That is how men should rule their home.


It's that simple: if you drop something on the floor, pick it up immediately! The same is true if you have junk food and leftovers around. Tidy up right away and maintain a sustainable abode. It's all about developing self-discipline. If you make a mess somewhere in your house, immediately clean it up. Again, don't put things off till later.


This is something that most men miss. With purchasing an air purifier to clean the particles you breathe in, a small bit of money goes a long way.
Almost anything with technological know-how may be found on the market.

Wash your sheets once a week to keep your home clean and to avoid having dirty garments lying around. They are most likely the source of any foul odors in your home.


You want your home to smell good while you spend half of your day there. Right?

A small amount of money goes a long way with buying an air purifier to clean the particles you breathe in.

In the market, you may find almost everything with technological know-how. by them; for others, it is timed (like every 10 minutes).


Yes, wash your dishes immediately after you are done eating. As with all other things, it’s all about breaking your old habits of slacking and learn yourself to do more.

Just as with dirty clothes, dishes stink. Nasty food doesn't merely just sit in your sink; you don't want it there, do you? Could it be that your washing machine is not cleaning clothes good enough? Don't leave it like that!

Generally, people often overlook wiping the sink while washing the dishes. Everything from floor cleaners to polishes is available to make your home and floor sparkle.

Also, let warm water rinse all the residue left in the pipes once done. Just to make things float down the system and not sit there and develop a foul odour in the future.

Men & Cleaning – Last Words

That’s it, gentlemen! Keeping your house clean is really all about making little things daily, rather than spending countless hours every week.

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